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Helium, the
margin squeeze
We’ve secured our first commodity supply – Helium. Helium is the second-most common element in the universe, but it’s comparatively rare on Earth. It also fulfils a surprising role in everything from space exploration to quantum computing. Amongst the largest consumers by volume of helium in the world are: C.E.R.N., NASA, SpaceX, Samsung, YOFC, GE, Siemens, Hitachi, Google and Amazon.

Helium, the
margin squeeze
We’ve secured our first commodity supply – helium. Helium is the second-most common element in the universe, but it’s comparatively rare on earth. It also fulfils a surprising role in everything from space exploration to quantum computing. Amongst the largest consumers by volume of helium in the world are: C.E.R.N., NASA, SpaceX, Samsung, YOFC, GE, Siemens, Hitachi, Google and Amazon.