Our Supplier

Renergen is a producer of liquid helium and liquefied natural gas (LNG) from its Virginia Gas Project in the Free State in South Africa.

JSE Share code: REN (June 2015)
ASX Share code: RLT (June 2019)
A2X Share code: REN (November 2019)

Renergen’s principal asset is its 100% shareholding in Tetra4, which holds the first and only onshore petroleum production right (issued by The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE)) in South Africa, giving it first mover advantage on distribution of domestic natural gas. Their Virginia Gas Project is located in the Free State, approximately 250 km southwest of Johannesburg.

Their natural gas contains one of the richest helium concentrations recorded globally. The natural gas is also very pure with an average of over 90% methane, and almost zero higher alkanes, which reduces the complexity of liquefication. Furthermore, their natural gas offers a less carbon-intensive substitute for South Africa’s existing transport fuel, thermal fuel and power.

About Renergen

Company Overview

  • Dual-listed on both the JSE (REN) and ASX (RLT)
  • South African (“SA”) helium producer and first onshore LNG producer
  • Production rights to a unique regenerative gas resource at Renergen’s Virginia Gas Project

  • Positioned to become a significant global producer of helium, introducing South Africa as the eighth country in the world to export the very rare commodity
  • The Virginia Gas Project is the first commercially available LNG and liquid helium facility processing technology in the country

Virginia Gas Project

  • 462,087 acres of production rights
  • 16 producing gas wells
  • Pipeline complete
  • All land agreements in place for Phase I (No economic participation in the right by landowners)
  • Production Right granted by the SA government for a 30-year period; renewable at Renergen’s discretion
  • Microbial gas source (deep seated underground bacteria producing high quality methane)
  • Asteroid responsible for the Vredefort Dome (World Heritage site) created large amounts of Uranium and Thorium underground releasing high-quality helium through radioactive decay